Thursday, February 3, 2011

How Can Water Help With Weight Loss?

Most of us know and recognize that is essential for our wellbeing and we should all try to aim for the 'eight glasses a day' which is the recommended and we believe the news articles that say we will exercise more efficiently, achieve more and become healthier if we continue in drinking water in good amounts.
That's great, but how many of us have considered that water could possibly help us lose weight? Yes, that's correct, fill up on water and maintain a sensible diet, get active and watch those stubborn few pounds melt away.
Why is water great for weight loss?:
People can often mistake thirst for hunger, which means when we think our body is craving more fuel; it could in fact only require rehydration. When you are feeling hungry, have a drink of water and then decide whether you are actually hungry, or just thirsty.
Water is naturally an appetite suppressant, and with food before consuming food, it will often make you feel satisfied far more quickly.
Amazingly, the most appropriate solution for water retention is to try and have more water. The reason for this is that water retention is caused the body believes it may dehydrate, this causes the body to hang onto water, which leads to complications such as puffy, legs and hands. Once your system is hydrated again, the water that has been retained will be alleviated and will cause a decrease in weight as stored water adds weight.
Regularly sipping water will increase your metabolism.This will ensure that you can burn calories with greater success, which of course, leads to weight loss.
Having a drink of water before eating will not only help to prepare your digestive system, but will also make you feel fuller quickly which will result in being satisfied with less food. Smaller portions equal fewer calories which is great news for those who are trying to shed a few pounds.
There are no calories in water so, by deciding to drink water in place of drinks filled with sugar and calories, you will be decreasing your amount of calories consumed.
Other things you should know so that you gain from drinking water for weight loss are:
We often confuse thirst with hunger which means when we think our body is craving extra food; it could actually only want rehydration. Before reaching for the snacks, try drinking a glass of water and then decide if you are actually hungry, or just thirsty.
Water is a natural appetite suppressant and when you drink water with a meal, it often makes you feel fuller far more quickly.
Surprisingly, the best cure for water retention is to drink more water. This is because water retention is caused by the body thinking it is in danger of dehydrating, causing it to store water, which can cause swollen legs, ankles and hands. Once your body is properly hydrated, retained water will be alleviated and you will experience weight loss, as water retention adds weight.
Water will help boost your metabolism which means that you will be able to burn calories more efficiently which of course, results in weight loss.
Drinking a glass of water before meals will not only help to prepare your digestive system, but will also make you feel fuller quickly which will result in eating and being satisfied with smaller portions. Smaller portions equal fewer calories which is great news for those who are trying to shed a few pounds.
Water is calorie free which means that by simply choosing water to drink rather than calorific beverages, you'll be cutting down on your daily calorie intake.
Important points to consider so that you really benefit from drinking water for weight loss are:
When exercising, your body will need even more water than the recommended daily allowance. This is because, when you exercise, your body will start to sweat to moderate your body temperature. The water lost in sweat form needs to be replaced to keep your body sufficiently hydrated.
The recommended water intake for the average person is 6-8 glasses of water a day.
Here you can find out more about fat burners

How To Lose Belly Bulge - 8 Proven And Effective Tips To Get You a Flat Stomach

A belly bulge is the fat hanging from your belly. A bell bulge does not only look unsightly but it's also detrimental to your health and lowers the quality of your life. But there's hope! You can get rid of belly bulge and get into the best shape of your life by simply applying the tips below:
Step 1 - Consume high nutrient-food and low in empty calorie. Food to avoid are cheese fries with gravy, deep fried onion rings, doughnuts, white bread, candy bars, cakes, cookies and crackers. Adopt a diet rich with fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, fish, whole grains, beans and low-fat dairy products.
Step 2 - Eat more meals divided in smaller portions. Your meal must be balanced with protein and complex carbs. Eat baked chicken breast with steamed broccoli and quinoa. Portion your meal every two to three hours, starting with breakfast.
Step 3 - Do your cardio exercise to increase your caloric expenditure and burn the fat in your stomach. Cardio activities are: walking, running, elliptical training, stair climbing, rowing or jumping rope. Perform this for 45 minutes three times a week on nonconsecutive days.
Step 4 - Use dumbbells to build metabolically active muscles. Do an exercise using a stability ball that practices your stomach muscles for balance. Some good examples are: chest presses, seated shoulder presses, back extensions, lying triceps extensions, seated concentration curls and wall ball squats. Repeat 10 - 12 reps, using 3 - 4 sets. Work out 3 times a week alternating with your cardio exercise.
Step 5 - Do hanging knee raises by grabbing a pull-up bar with an overhand, shoulder-width grip. Move your knees up to your chest and press for a second. Bring legs down and repeat for a set of reps.
Step 6 - Perform a set of mountain climbers. Place your hands to the ground just beneath your shoulders while putting your right foot on the floor under your chest so your legs are in a staggered stance. Quickly change the position of your foot so the left foot is forward and the right leg is behind you. Go back and forth as if you are running in a horizontal position.
Step 7 - Using a stability ball, do a set of abdominal pull-ins. Lie face-down on the ball and move your hands forward until your lower shins are on top and your hands are directly under your shoulders. Raise your hips to form a straight line from your shoulders to your heels. Bring your knees close to your chest by rolling the ball on the floor. Maintain position for a second, stretch your legs back and repeat.
Step 8 - Do a set of V-ups by laying your back with your legs straight and your arms placed behind your head. Raise your arms and legs at the same time and let your hands touch your toes. Only your butt is flat on the floor, let your body form a "V" shape. Lower arms and legs then repeat. Follow these tips on how to lose fat and Get rid of belly bulge once and for all.
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